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Bio Leaf African Violet Potting Mix is specially formulated for African Violets, Streptocarpus, Gloxinias and other members of the Gesneriad family. 


It is also ideal for plants that prefer a moist potting mix, such as Rex Begonia, Ferns, Syngoniums, Peace Lilies, Baby's Tears and Pitcher plants.


It has a light, fluffy, porous structure, good aeration and drainage. The soil will remain moist without becoming overly soggy.


Properties of Bio Leaf African Violet Potting Mix

Bio Leaf African Violet Potting Mix has been designed not to dry out quickly. After watering, it should remain moist for 5 to 7 days or longer. How long it retains moisture depends on how much water your plant extracts from the potting mix and environmental factors like temperature and humidity.


Ingredients in Bio Leaf African Violet Potting Mix

Bio Leaf African Violet Potting Mix is hand blended from:

  • Fibrous peat moss.
  • Vermiculite.
  • Perlite.
  • Bio Leaf HortiChar - Crushed hardwood charcoal.
  • A  propriety blend of organic bio nutrients and growth-enhancing compounds.


Repotting Tips

We recommend to place about 1 to 2 centimetres of potting mix into the bottom of the pot, and firm down gently, not too compressed. We believe this improves the absorption and distribution of water. It acts like a sponge/reservoir from which the potting mix will draw water.


Place the plant above this layer and lightly place the potting mix around the plants. Pouring water through the potting mix to settle the mix around the roots. You may need to add extra potting mix after your first watering because the water will cause the potting mix to settle.


Compacting the potting mix with your fingers may snap some of the delicate roots. This may contribute to increasing the effects of transplant shock.

Bio Leaf African Violet Potting Mix


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